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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The squash trellis is working!


As promised, I'm back with an update on how my squash trellis is functioning. So far, so great. As you can see in the picture,the vines are a-creepin' up the frame.


I should say, however, that I had to give it more than a little help to get it started. At first, the squash ignored the trellis with the vigor of a Department of Motor Vehicle employee ignoring people coming in to renew their licenses.

At first I tried to simply prop the vine against the sticks, but the wind just blew it off. Then I decided to gently tie the squash stem in place, and that seems to have done the trick.

I can already see that I'll have to add some additional slats in between the first and second tiers. There just needs to be more to grab onto.

The best thing is that the squash is growing extremely well. There's lots of blossoms and bugs. We've had near perfect weather and rainfall -- so I'm looking forward to squash up the wazoo in a couple of months!

Ken Korczak is the author of: MINNESOTA PARANORMALA, VOLUME 1

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